Affordable Medical Waste Disposal

With No Lock In Contracts & Zero Hidden Fees.

7,500+ Switched & Saved Thousands.

Call Now : 855-678-1098
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Our Clients


Medical Offices have switched to Advowaste


States Services

10 Million

Lbs of Waste Collected


Cost Saving

Our Features and Benefits

The Advowaste Advantage

We believe the best way to retain our clients is by keeping them happy. That means on-time pickups, no surprise fees, and extremely competitive pricing. If our service is that much better and saving you thousands of dollars, we don’t need that contract that locks you in!

Customer Satisfication

Industries We Serve


Emergency Care Clinics

Dental Practices

Physician Practices

Long-term Care Clinics

Surgical Centers


Dr. Emily Jones

We are very glad we made the switch to Advowaste. They were so pleasant to deal with and we were able to lower our biohazardous waste costs drastically!

Dr. Bob Martins

My company has tried 4 different services and found Advowaste after the terrible services we dealt with. Since then, we have used Avowaste’s service for 6 years.

Dr. Maya Taylor

Advowaste has great communication and shows professionalism through out their services. I could’t ask for a better service!

Call us today to receive a quote and

Find Out How Much You Can Save!
